Thursday, August 31, 2006
some photos taken during teacher's day :

shima stupit face hee!

me and meiqi

me with KE LAO SHI in xinghua pri.

me wif miss yin at xinghua pri .

me and miss lee.

huimin and me!
Heyy. Came here to wish all teacher's happy teacher's day! whee.. today wearing formal and took lots of photos.. sad thing is all TRANING NIE teachers is their last day so is kindda miss them yaa?
While.. after e whole celebration.. we went to staff rm bcuz normally we cnt get in so is like we went in lots of time wif liyin and and taken some photos.While.. i took some photos wif shima too .. she is veri gdd laa.Hmm..thenn we saw a lot of ex-student and ltrr we went to canteen to have my lunch and liyin was like eating snack -.- and thenn later after datt.. bcuz is raining day so we stay in contact wif jiaxin and in sku walking around doin nthh..and thenn liyin went to xinghua outside to c thenn i stay in sku bcuz i change clothes.. so when i go out i cnt cum in so liyin went out wif umbrella and saw lots of we tis bunch of ex-student waiting outside xinghua.. so imediately after having my lunch.. we ran to xinghua and thenn after a few minutes.. jiaxin came and e security guard allow us to go in but onli can stay in e first floor though.. quite boring on e trip to xinghua.. eveything is e same and teacher's came down to e canteen so we were like busy shaking hand.. giving present and lots of stuff.Lucky we nv 1.30pm then goo in bcuz when some of e ex-student 1.30pm came in.. all teacher's went to serangoon bowling and e sku is like so quiet so there is no point.. so bout 1.45++ is time fer us to seperate.
While.. didn't realli hang out wif meiqi and others though atfirst we say must like together walk and all & take photos !Ya true me and meiqi onli take 2 photos but nvmm is better than nth .. some more theres lots of chances.. is just nt e right time mayb fer mooncake festival? haa and mayb some occasion dat we can met each other.. she is always busy so is hard fer us to go out and all but nvm laa atleast we still stay in contact wif each otherr.Hmm.. overall is such a great time today and i am sure everyone had enjoy themself veri much and just need to tell luying dat need to takecare urself at china.. everyone will miss u especially e crappy yunhan HAA!tired tired & tired.While.. tired after blogging.. gotta have some rest yaa? byee.
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
while.. today is tiring though. i didn't expect dat today it will rain so heavily .. bcuz normally if rain like a little bit i dun usually use umbrella bcuz i lazy .. but then it is realli big so i bo bian had to use it and last min they told us to wear formal dressing... and i dun even have white long sleeve and pants.. so i went to my fren hse to lend white long sleeve and went to another fren hse to lend white pants.. while lending white pants dat time.. the bell frm e terrace spolit so i shouted EXCUSE ME? HELLO? haa.. then e ahma heared then cum out and ask is there anithing? and is like keep on raining the whole day and i reach hm.. i still need to do tis do dat.. charge phone. charge battery.. pack my stuff.. arrh is so dam busy today and tmrr and i realli hope tmr can have fun though..haiz. hope it can be fun and i realli look forward WHEE!.. i cnt wait to go bck to xhps as bcuz i wanna c ex-student. teachers! time to go. ! byee.
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
yeah. finally get my results todayy. sc and history.. hmm.confident dat my sc will score well and rly it did. woots((: and i have a feeling dat history will nt score dat well... and it is true mann. i am quite disapointed wif my history results.. but nvm gort klass test and history journal design to help me push up and dats report card i rly hope it can help me push upp.while..when is like frm 1st highest then slowly give outt.. i was like frm 40++ till 20++ and i was like so scared dat i fail bcuz i rly gort studyy.. then my history teacher was like jiahao.dun worry.. u pass so i was like errm ok (: but while it didn't cum out on my expectation..i hope can score well fer sa2 and prove dat i am nt dat so called ''lousy'' hmm..while NIE teacher r slowly leaving.. today lit lesson NIE teacher ms miranda ng had left.. sobs i mean today is e last lesson.. so everyone kept quiet and tried nt to make her angry and we enjoy the lesson veri muchh. i have her msn.. so still can stay in contact YEAHH..if i noe she today last dayy. i surely bring camera to take photos derr.. haa frens who noe me well noe i am crazy over taking pictures..while.. just wish her gdd luck fer her journey of bcuming teacher and nw i am tired. soo.. is time fer me to rest.. hope u guys will enjoy reading my blogg. hee.. aniwae gotta goo.. new post coming so LOOK FORWARD TO IT ya?? wahass.
Friday, August 18, 2006
hey..i simply have a fun day yesterday..while during swimming was fine.. nth much happen wahas..while gort sth wrong ..bcuz ppl stuff is like losing then boiz and girl need to take out all our bags things OUTT!!is like shhtt laa..lucky i nv bring too much fren one is rly terrible.. EVERYTHING must be taken out and when teacher cum check must shake ur bag.. nth must be drop out..soo i was like grrr..but lucky mine was nth much so is alrite.. while swimming shld end at bout 1pm..but it end up at 2++ and when i cum home.. after having my lunch..i was terribly tired.. so i went to sleep and wake up at 5.30++..then preparing to go to grandma hse and have my dinner.While.. when i reach grandma and my cousins went to coffee shop to buy fries and some bread..then the fries nv open.. which mean the WESTERN FOOD shop nv open today..then i was like WALAU..bcuz me and my cousins rly wanna eat the fries bcuz we long time nv eat.. and we was like when we dun feel like eating.. it open.. when we feel like close.So after we brought out bread.. we make our way home and complaining non-stop :p then ltr.. we started to take digital camera and start shooting around and is like so fun and the photo is nice xDD and my aunt also cum join us and is like more fun ..then we r all crazy in the rm then ltr me and my cousins secretly went to my grandma rm and take a photo which infront of e mirror..haa fun though i am quite tired. ((: and atlast..i have counted dat we have taken 20++ photo.. nt including those blur ones bcuz i alr deleted them .. woots..
Saturday, August 12, 2006
finally.. my throat recover liiao.. finally! haa.. nt dat paiin animore.. i can do anithing like SINGING..!! woots..while.. nth much happen today.I today went down bout 4 times siia.. is too tiring.. bcuz i gotta buy things..then ltr afternoon after having my lunch i just sleep.. wake up i watching national parade encore.. and watching singapore idol encore too..swimming lesson is terrible on friday.. nt rly concentrating.. but e gd thing is when i wanna the coach say GD.. i rly did.. bcuz i gotta swim properly.. so when my turn to have 2 froggies kick and one circle.. i did it properly.. and the coach was like YES.. VERI GD. then i was like yeahh.. i did itt.. then ltr gotta swim again.. i told myself.. confident.. bcuz i kena a lot of times till the coach say WAD THE HELL U DOING.So i wanna prove dat i can do itt.. then when swim one more time.. the coach say GD.. xDD finally.. i rly hope nxt fri i can do better.. heard dat 2 more lesson we r going to 1.2 deep pool..i am quite scared of it.while... i just look forward to it and just wish me gd luck .. haa.. aniwae i gotta go have my dinner post cuming up..((:
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
while... lets tok bout yesterday.. bcuz i yesterday like wanna no voice liao then when i came bck. i touch myself like kind of hot.. then ltr like i wanna fall sick liao. is nt realli sick .. so i go have my medicine and when sleeping time.. i like wanna womit dat kind.. but atlast dun have laa but then the nxt day which is today need to go to bishan park 2 to celebrate national day.. lucky i am nt runner bcuz need to run 4.8km.. nafa test run 2.4 i alr wanna go crazy ((: then i was like wake up early in e morning 6.00 to prepare i tink..then bout 6.45 i started my journey wahas.. is veri hot there it is a sunny day.. while during playing game. there is a slight rain then ltr ok liao laa.. so is lucky la then need to play game gort a lot of station to go and is like i no energy liao.. some more yesterday quite sick..but lucky laa today nt veri hot liao is alrite so i just go lor and it is quite fun la aniwae.. need to step a lot of mud .. and is like disgusting.. and i hardly have the time to sitt.. so i am veri veri tired.while.. time i am waiting fer is to go home has finally arrived mann... when we cross the bridge.. i alr miss 136 .. but if we go also cnt get in bcuz is full of yuying students. so we waiteed bout half an hr like dat to wait fer e second bus of 136.. is stupit la need to wait so long so during waiting.. i have seen some yuying students take taxi xDD.. atually i also wan der laa.. but then i waited fer so long liao.. so i just wait lor bcuz i am nt rushing in time and some more WASTE MONEY. wahhas ((: so when the bus cum everyone just like squease each other.. lucky i get into the bus bcuz i am quite infront but inside is quite hot.. then like no air to breadth and when i got in.. still must stand.. wad der...but bo bian laa. but once reach heartland all the bus is like quite empty. haa so i just stand la bcuz 2 more bus -stop reach my hse liao.. overall is quite fun today.